Wednesday−Thursday, May 14–15

CME/CE Credits

PrimaryCareNOW A Pri-Med Virtual Conference

Join your clinician colleagues and expert faculty for PrimaryCareNOW: A Pri-Med Virtual Conference, on Thursday–Friday, April 15–16.

Moderated by Ty J. Gluckman, MD, FACC, FAHA, and Charles Vega, MD, FAAFP, this two-day learning experience will provide you with evidence-based sessions that span the diverse therapeutic areas that touch primary care, allow opportunities for interactive Q&A, and offer timely medical updates to keep you informed on the most current clinical strategies relevant to your daily practice.

Earn up to 12.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ and 12.50 ABIM Medical Knowledge MOC Points, or 12.50 AANP contact hours of continuing education, including 5.74 hours of pharmacology, by attending the full conference.

Customer Help Information

We are here to help. If you need assistance, please contact us through your preferred channel:
Phone: 877-477-4633 (Program Days, Session Open–Session Close) Email: Online Chat: Enabled During Program Days