Free Menopause CME/CE Courses
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Clinicians’ feelings of reluctance and confusion while addressing their patients’ menopause symptoms may create obstacles to care. Our sessions are designed to empower you to address menopause topics such as hormonal and nonhormonal management options, what the evidence says about hormone therapy and the risks of cardiovascular disease and breast cancer, and which treatment options are on the horizon.
Pri-Med’s curated menopause CME/CE conferences and courses deliver education that helps you expand the following actionable skills and knowledge.
• Hear the most common obstacles to providing evidence-based care to menopausal women
• Explore hormonal and nonhormonal therapies for managing menopausal symptoms
• Catch up on new and emerging therapies for vasomotor symptoms (VMS)
• Engage women in shared decision-making regarding treatment options for VMS
Create your free Pri-Med account and start earning your menopause CME/CE credits today.