
Overcoming Clinical Inertia in Primary Care: The When, Why, and How of Basal Insulin Therapy

Where does basal insulin fit into T2DM management? When do guidelines support initiation? How can you overcome inertia and barriers to basal insulin treatment in primary care? Answer these questions and more with expert faculty in this clinical coffee break episode.

Illustration of a nurse looking off to the right with an overlay of a patient and doctor meeting

CME Information

2.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™, 2.00 ABIM MOC or 1.68 AANP, 1.68 AANP Pharm

Release Date: 12/6/2024

Available for credit until 12/6/2025

Learning Objectives

  • Explain the detrimental impact of clinical inertia, particularly the effect of failure to initiate basal insulin in a timely manner on patient outcomes
  • Identify and address barriers to insulin uptake among HCPs and people with T2DM 
  • Implement individualized basal insulin treatment plans according to the guidelines recommended
  • Discuss data for emerging insulin therapies, such as once-weekly basal insulin, and their potential impact on the management of people with T2DM



Javier Morales, MD, FACP, FACE

Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell, Hempstead, NY

Carol Wysham, MD

Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of Washington School of Medicine, Spokane, WA

Supported By

Novo Nordisk, Inc.

Education Partner

Institute for Medical and Nursing Education, Inc.