Free CME/CE Courses

Access hundreds of free online CME/CE courses covering over 40 primary care topics anywhere, anytime. Create your free account in less than 60 seconds and start earning credits now. 

Online CME/CE Courses

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Nurse Practitioners & Physician Assistants 
Whether you're a newly practicing nurse practitioner or physician assistant, or a clinician further in your career seeking a clinically focused education, Pri-Med has a diverse library of nurse practitioner CME/CE and physician assistant CME/CE courses to explore.  

Pri-Med’s CME courses are designed with primary care physicians in mind. We cover topics that reflect a typical day in primary care practice, and our physician CME courses offer AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ to help you fulfill your state and board requirements.


Our CME/CE courses cover over 40 topics that you will encounter in your daily practice, including pain management, pharmacology, infectious diseases and more.