Jay Winner


  • Stress Reduction Program Director, Family Physician, Sansum Medical Clinic, Santa Barbara, California
  • Clinical Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, University of Southern California, Santa Barbara, CA
  • Former Chairman, Department of Family Medicine, Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital, Santa Barbara, California


Dr. Winner has been a family practitioner at Sansum Clinic (the largest multi-specialty clinic in Central California) since 1991. Dr. Winner recognized that not only was stress-related illness extremely frequent, but also that prescribing medication was only part of the solution. Therefore, in 1992, he founded Sansum Clinic’s Stress Reduction Program which he continues to run and teach. Dr. Winner has written journal articles and speaks on the topics of stress, health and physician wellness. He is the author of the book Relaxation on the Run: Simple Ways to Reduce Stress in Seconds plus Practical Lifestyle Tips for a Happier and Healthier Life.

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