- Professor in Medicine, Chief, Geriatrics, Geriatrics and Cardiovascular Sciences, Robert J. Luchi, M.D. Chair in Geriatric Medicine, Baylor University College of Medicine, Houston, TX
- Head of the Division of Geriatrics, Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, Texas
George E. Taffet, MD, Robert J. Luchi, MD Chair in Geriatric Medicine, is Professor of Medicine in Geriatrics and Cardiovascular Research, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston TX. He is Clinical Director of the Huffington Center on Aging and Adjunct Faculty at Weill-Cornell and Texas A&M medical schools. His principal interests are understanding; (1) the basic mechanisms of cardiac diastolic dysfunction in aging, and (2) devising methods to prevent or ameliorate diastolic dysfunction and heart failure. This spans from people to mouse and rat models. His general interest is physiology of aging and how that produces increased vulnerability. He received his Mathematics undergraduate degree and MD from Brown University and been at Baylor since, for residency, geriatrics and cardiovascular research fellowships, and as faculty. He has authored > 120 publications and been funded in the past by NIA. He was involved in NIA internal reviews, the ASG study section, and the NFAR. He is Associate Editor for Journal of Gerontology:Biological Sciences and AGE:Journal of American Aging Association.
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