M. Suzanne Schrandt


  • Director, Patient Engagement, Arthritis Foundation, Arlington, VA


Suzanne Schrandt, JD, is the Deputy Director of Patient Engagement at the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). She supports the Director of Patient Engagement and engages patients across the nation to provide broad-based input on the development and execution of PCORI’s research-funding strategy. Schrandt has advocated on behalf of children and adults with arthritis since her own rheumatologic diagnosis in 1990, and serves numerous roles in patient and clinician education initiatives aimed at increasing early diagnosis and appropriate, patient-centered management of chronic disease. Before coming to PCORI, Schrandt served as the Health Reform Team Leader for the Kansas Health Institute, where she educated the state's policymakers, clinicians, and consumers on the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Schrandt formerly served as Coordinator of Public Health and Public Policy for the Arthritis Foundation, Kansas City; and Research Associate for the Beach Center on Disability, focusing on a Human Genome Research Institute ELSI grant. She is a member of the Kansas Bar Association, American Health Lawyers Association, Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research, and the National Arthritis Foundation Scientific Discoveries Advisory Committee

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