Laurie Hyland Robertson is senior editor, projects, for Physicians Practice. She develops content, edits, writes articles, and speaks to audiences live on a range of practice management topics. Her specialties include helping medical practices address workflow, staffing, and human resources issues. Laurie oversees custom publishing and other projects for the company, and authors a regular column, The Great Practice Makeover, for Physicians Practice, America’s Leading Practice Management Journal. She also performs editorial quality control for audioconferences, Webcasts, and other program materials, and is involved with the development of new projects. A medical editor for more than 10 years, Laurie has worked on publications ranging from clinical and research journals to consumer-oriented healthcare pieces. Prior to joining Physicians Practice, she spent five years as a freelance editor and project manager while serving as managing editor of two peer-reviewed journals. She continues to provide editorial services for graduate-level books geared toward healthcare executives and attorneys. Laurie contributes articles to Physicians Practice, America’s Leading Practice Management Journal, and serves as a researcher for the company, consulting with medical practices to help them optimize operations and improve patient care.
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