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Gary Richardson


Senior Research Scientist; Assistant Professor of Psychiatry

Senior Research Scientist; Assistant Professor of Psychiatry


Gary Richardson, MD is senior research scientist in the Sleep Research Laboratory and senior staff physician in endocrinology at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, MI. Dr Richardson received undergraduate and medical training at Stanford University, where he began research on basic circadian rhythmicity and the control of sleep and wakefulness. He subsequently completed an internal medicine residency at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, and endocrinology and neurology fellowships at Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr Richardson was a pioneer among sleep disorders specialists in focusing on the clinical management of circadian rhythm sleep disorders, including the provision of specialized care to shift workers with difficulty adapting to shift schedules. Dr Richardson’s current research focus is on central mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of sleep disorders, particularly the dysregulation of autonomic systems in obstructive sleep apnea and primary insomnia.

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