Brad Nieder, M.D., is a funny doctor, keynote speaker and clean comedian who blends healthcare humor with wellness advice and an uplifting message. Audiences love his "Laughter is the Best Medicine" program, finding it entertaining and inspiring (and informative, too, as Dr. Brad explains--without being boring--how laughter really is good medicine ... for managing pain, enhancing immune system function, reducing stress and more.) Dr. Brad is unique. (After all, how many physicians do you know who can make you laugh?) He's been described as Jerry Seinfeld or Ray Romano...with an "MD." Always a fan of standup comedy and improvisation, Brad became a founding member of the SIMPS improv troupe while attending Stanford University. During medical school at the University of Colorado, he frequently performed standup comedy throughout Denver for both live audiences ... and cadavers. He then moved on to the Medical College of Virginia for his residency. He still traverses the country, but he once again lives in Denver, a general practitioner by training. And while he has NOT been published in the New England Journal of Medicine, he has co-authored the book "Humor Me," which features his popular poem of wellness advice.
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