Mack Lipkin, Jr., M.D. is Professor of Medicine and Chief of Primary Care Internal Medicine at NYU School of Medicine, Founding President of the American Academy on Communication in Health (AACH), and a Past President of the Society of General Internal Medicine. He directs the Residency Education Program in Primary Care Internal Medicine, and directs the Physician, Patient, and Society course. He is also President of the Zlinkoff Fund for Medical Education and Research. Recognized as a world leader concerning the medical interview and related skills, he created a faculty development program, created the widely used and adapted and studied Lipkin model of psychosocial education, worked on the integration of psychosocial skills in practice, did collaborative research in this area, and created a model curriculum. His work received the Rosenthal Award of the American College of Physicians for "significant clinical innovation." In 2007, he won the Robert J. Glaser Award of the Society of General Internal Medicine for outstanding contributions to research and education in generalism in medicine and the Engel Award from the American Academy on Healthcare Communications for his contributions to science. He has produced twelve books and over 160 articles and chapters, including the well known book, The Medical Interview, of which he is senior editor. The Lipkin Model, which he developed, uses simultaneous teaching of knowledge, skills, and attitudes in intensive workshop formats that have been demonstrated to change knowledge, skills, attitudes, and enduring behavioral patterns of students, residents, and practitioners. The model has been adopted for teaching of the doctor patient relationship, the medical interview, pain, alcoholism, cancer care, end of life care, teaching, and personal awareness of physicians.
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