- Founder and Director, North Broward Diabetes Center, Pompano Beach, FL
Dr. Lavernia has been a practicing diabetologist in South Florida for over 35 years. He was the founder and director of the North Broward Diabetes Center in Pompano Beach, Florida. He lectures nationally on obesity, pre-diabetes, diabetes and their complications; he also speaks on lipid and hypertension disorders. He presents at Pri-Meds, American College of Physicians, NACE, PCN, and ADA programs. Internationally, he has lectured extensively in Sint Maarten, St.Eustasius (Statia), St. Croix, St.Thomas, Bermuda, C¸uracao, and Aruba. He has published multiple articles in a variety of national medical journals and online publications. He has appeared on the Discovery Channel and on NPR (radio). He most recently completed various CME videos for the American Diabetes Association. He is an adjunct faculty member of the National Diabetes Education Initiative (NDEI), Vascular Biology Working Group (VBWG), and for the Coalition for the Advancement of Cardiovascular Health (COACH). He is also a member of the American Diabetes Association, American Association of Clinical Endocrinology, and the National Hispanic Medical Association.
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