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Joshua J. Joseph



Joshua J. Joseph, MD, MPH, FAHA is an Associate Professor of Internal Medicine in the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism and founder and medical director for The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center Healthy Community Center, which advances nutrition and wellness in Central Ohio. Internationally recognized for his work on academic, community, government and industry partnerships to advance cardiometabolic health through health system to community interventions, community-based interventions and quality improvement. Dr. Joseph’s research focuses on advancing the prevention and treatment of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease through four main pillars: the epidemiology of stress hormones in cardiometabolic disease, health system-to-community partnerships, community-based participatory research, and quality improvement science. His ACCELERATE research group’s work has been featured in multiple national and international media outlets. Dr. Joseph provides clinical care is focused on type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease at a community-based clinic.

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