Kevin Grumbach, MD is Professor and Chair of the Department of family and Community Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco and Chief of and Community Medicine at San General Hospital. He is the Director of the UCSf Center for California health Workforce Studies, Co-Director of the UCSf Center for Excellence in Primary Care, and Co-Director of the Community engagement Program for the UCSf Clinical translational Science institute. his research on topics such as primary care physician supply, racial and ethnic diversity in the health professions, and the impact of managed care on physicians has been published in major medical journals such as the new England Journal of Medicine and JAMA and cited widely in both health policy forums and the general media. With tom bodenheimer, he co-authored what has become the best-selling textbook on health policy, Understanding health Policy - A Clinical Approach, and the recent book, improving Primary Care - Strategies and tools for a better Practice, both published by McGraw hill-Lange. In 1997, he was elected a member of the institute of Medicine, national Academy of Sciences. Dr. Grumbach practices family medicine at the family health Center at San Francisco General Hospital.
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