Dr. Ebell has been a key figure in the evidence-based medicine trend of the past decade. Currently Deputy Editor, Evidence-based Medicine, for American Family Physician, and former Editor of the Journal of Family Practice, he also co-edited the JFP's POEMs (Patient Oriented Evidence That Matters), a leading journal club, from 1994-2000. While continuing to teach and practice family medicine, Dr. Ebell has written extensively on both clinical and EBM topics, has published a book on evidence-based diagnosis, and has developed a PDA software program called Inforetriever for answering clinical questions at the point of care. He also developed a Web-based course on EBM and information mastery at Michigan State University. Dr. Ebell has made presentations at several national meetings of the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine and at state and national meetings of the Academy of Family Physicians, among others.
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