Bread, milk, and peanuts spread out on a table

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Industry Webcast

Demystifying Food Allergy Management in Primary CareIndustry Webcast Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific; Not for CME/CE Credit

Prevalence of food allergy is increasing and has a major impact on a patient’s quality of life. Primary care providers are often the first to treat suspected food allergy patients and diagnosis can be challenging as it requires differentiating between IgE sensitization and clinical allergy.

This session will equip primary care providers with:

  • Increased knowledge and confidence in diagnosing and managing food allergy
  • Valuable tools to help diagnose food allergy and differentiate various forms of adverse food reactions
  • Information about new diagnostic tools for specific IgE blood tests with allergen components 


CME/CE Information

0 Credits - Not for CME/CE Credit

Release Date: 9/25/2024

Expiration Date: 9/25/2024



Niti Y. Chokshi, MD


Learn More

Allergist, Vital Allergy and Asthma Center

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Industry Sponsor

Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.

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Demystifying Food Allergy Management in Primary Care
