Industry Webcast

Carrier screening: Providing valuable insights for you and your patientsIndustry Webcast Sponsored by Labcorp; Not for CME/CE Credit

With early insights and continuing advancements in treatment options, you can help your patients identify the risk of having a child with an inherited genetic disorder. Hear from subject matter experts about how early screening and genetic counseling can help patients prepare for the future.

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CME/CE Information

0 Credits - Not for CME/CE Credit

Release Date: 6/21/2024

Expiration Date: 12/21/2024


Claire Clark, MS, LCGC

Genetic Counseling Manager, Labcorp Women’s Health and Genetics

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Rachael Brown

Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) Advocate

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Carrier screening: Providing valuable insights for you and your patients
