Doctor meeting with a patient

Industry Webcast

From the Patient Journey to Clinical Insights: What Primary Care Needs to Know About Multiple Myeloma Industry Webcast Sponsored by The Binding Site; Not for CME/CE Credit

In this webinar, patient advocate Jenny Ahlstrom and hematologist Dr. Craig Cole will sit down for a Q&A to discuss the critical role primary care providers play in the early detection and management of multiple myeloma. Jenny will share her personal journey with multiple myeloma, emphasizing the importance of primary care in the patient pathway. Additionally, Dr. Cole will provide clinical insights into common signs and symptoms, populations at higher risk, and the essential tests for detecting multiple myeloma.


CME/CE Information

0 Credits - Not for CME/CE Credit

Release Date: 2/19/2025

Expiration Date: 9/4/2025


Craig Emmit Cole, MD

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From the Patient Journey to Clinical Insights: What Primary Care Needs to Know About Multiple Myeloma
