Sara Paul


  • Director, Heart Function Clinic, Catawba Valley Cardiology, Conover, North Carolina


Dr. Sara Paul has been an advanced practice cardiovascular nurse for 32 years. She has been a cardiovascular Clinical Nurse Specialist and a nurse practitioner. She developed and ran a heart failure clinic at Medical University of South Carolina for 7 years before moving to Hickory, NC. While at MUSC, Sara also held an adjunct role as Clinical Assistant Professor in the College of Nursing. Since 2002, Sara has been managing HF patients in community cardiology practices, developing a heart failure clinic, as well as initiatives to improve care for patients with heart failure in the hospital setting. Dr. Paul is a founding member of the American Association of Heart Failure nurses, and has served as newsletter editor, Secretary for the Board of Directors, chairman of the annual meeting committee, and chairman of the Heart Failure Disease Management workshop. She is the editor of AAHFN's Core Curriculum Review book for the heart failure nursing certification exam and AAHFN's Heart Failure Disease Management book. She is an officer (secretary) of the Heart Failure Society of America and has been active in the American Heart Association’s Council for Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing. Sara is invited to speak at conferences nationally and abroad. She has numerous publications in books and journals, is the editor of four books, and currently sits on three journal editorial boards.

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