Mark S. Gold, M.D. is a Dizney Eminent Scholar and Distinguished Professor at the University of Florida, College of Medicine's Brain Institute, Departments of Psychiatry, Neuroscience, Anesthesiology, Community Health & Family Medicine. Dr. Gold is currently the Interim Chair of the Department of Psychiatry. He is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association (2003), University of Florida College of Medicine 2003 Exemplary Teacher , Underrepresented Minority Mentor (2004), UpToDate's Addiction Medicine Section Editor, American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (2005; Founder's Award), 24th Annual Nelson J Bradley Career Life Time Achievement Award (2006), DARE's Public Service Award (2007), Teacher of the Year, researcher, and inventor who has worked for over 35 years to develop models for understanding the effects of tobacco and other drugs on the brain and behavior. Dr. Gold has developed animal models which have led to new treatments for addicts and also conceptualized hypotheses which were more-than novel but also yielded new approaches to treat patients.
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