Samuel Z. Goldhaber


  • Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
  • Director, Thrombosis Research Group, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts


Samuel Z. Goldhaber, MD, Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, is a Senior Physician in the Cardiovascular Medicine Division and Section Head of Vascular Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH). He is Director of the BWH Thrombosis Research Group and serves as Principal Investigator of a broad range of randomized clinical trials and observational studies related to pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis as well as stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation. Dr. Goldhaber serves as Chair of the Steering Committee of the NHLBI-sponsored ATTRACT Trial of pharmacomechanical catheter-directed thrombolysis to prevent postthrombotic syndrome in patients with extensive, acute DVT. Dr. Goldhaber chairs the Executive Committee of a global registry that will enroll about 10,000 venous thrombosis patients. He serves as the site Principal Investigator at Brigham and Women’s Hospital for the Cardiovascular Inflammation Reduction Trial. He was Principal Investigator of a multicenter trial of ultrasound-facilitated catheter directed thrombolysis for submassive and massive PE. This device received FDA approval in 2014. Dr. Goldhaber serves on the Global Steering Committee of two large prospective observational trials: GARFIELD Atrial Fibrillation and GARFIELD Venous Thromboembolism. He is conducting a 5,000 patient observational study of stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. He directs multiple Harvard Medical School Cardiovascular Medicine CME Courses and has a large clinical practice of general cardiology and thrombosis subspecialty patients.

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