Courtney Cary


  • Senior Registered Dietician, Department of Medicine-Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX


Courtney is a registered and licensed dietitian of five years, business owner and passionate patient care provider in the field of gastroenterological medical nutrition therapy. She is known for providing personalized nutrition care to adult patients in an enthusiastic and empathetic manner. Courtney specializes in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and takes special interest in pancreatic disease and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI), where she focuses most of her practice and education. Courtney engages in interventional IBD research as well as writing literature reviews for chronic gastroenterological conditions. She expertly teaches pancreatic cancer and endoscopy clinics about EPI, digestion, and clinical nutrition foci for patient care. Courtney is trained and certified in food allergy management, as well as culinary nutrition and enjoys including these skills in her personalized counseling and demonstrations.

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