After graduating N.Y.U. School of Medicine and completing his fellowship at N.Y.U., Dr. Agatston took a position at Mt. Sinai Medical Center, associated with the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, and became the Director of Non- Invasive Cardiology. While there, Dr. Agatston and a colleague did early work using EBT scanner to quantify calcium in the coronary arteries as a measure of arteriosclerosis. Screening coronaries with EBT is now a technology used by physicians throughout the world and at many major universities and medical centers. The South Beach Diet, Dr. Agatston's first non-academic work and New York Times Bestseller, produced amazing results in Dr. Agatston's patients - the pounds disappeared, especially from the mid-section, and their blood work dramatically improved. The book provides the public with a vitally important message about the connection between a good diet, safe weight loss and disease prevention. Dr. Agatston, Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Miami School of Medicine, is an expert consultant for the Clinical Trials Committee of the National Institutes of Health, and co-director of the annual "Symposium on Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease." He lectures extensively on prevention both in the United States and abroad and has authored over 100 scientific publications, and reviewed for major medical and cardiology journals, including the New England Journal of Medicine, the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, the American Journal of Cardiology, and the Annals of Internal Medicine.
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