
Pri-Med CME/CE Named Recipient of Three NAMEC Best Practice Awards

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Published February 19, 2021

Pri-Med Institute, the accredited division of Pri-Med, was recently named the recipient of three Best Practice Awards from the National Association of Medical Education Companies (NAMEC). These awards recognize best practices – ideas or processes that can be implemented by NAMEC members to improve CME/CE.

For 2020, Pri-Med Institute was recognized with the following awards:

Best Practice in Enduring Material Educational Design

Won for the CME/CE course “What a Headache! The Case of a 29-Year-Old Woman with Worsening Migraine“, won in collaboration with ArcheMedX, Inc.

Best Practice in Innovative Educational Methods

Won for the adaptive learning experience “Continuous Glucose Monitoring: Understand This Important Tool and How to Incorporate It Into Clinical Practice“, an Amplifire (Knowledge Factor) curriculum.

Best Practice in Virtual Live Activity Educational Design

Won for PrimaryCareNOW: A Pri-Med Virtual Conference.

As a leading provider of quality CME/CE since 1995, we continuously develop new ways for you to easily learn about the latest and most practical medical insights. We look forward to reconvening in person when it’s safe to do so, and in the meantime, we will continue to add to our online library of 600+ CME/CE courses across 35 topic areas each week. Earn credits at no cost today.