Take Free Allergy and Immunology Courses

Diseases such as asthma, food allergies, allergic rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis are common in a primary care setting but are all-too-often undetected, misdiagnosed, or inadequately treated. Learn how to effectively identify and manage common allergic and immunologic conditions. Earn allergy & immunology CME/CE credits with one of the free courses below. New to Pri-Med? Create your account in less than 60 seconds and start earning credits now!


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Allergic and immunologic diseases pose a huge burden on individuals, the community, and the healthcare system. Over the last few decades, considerable advances have been made in the understanding these diseases, particularly regarding the underlying pathophysiology, approaches to diagnosis, and treatment options. The majority of patients with allergic and immunologic diseases are first seen in a primary care setting so it is imperative that PCPs stay up to date on these advances. 

Pri Med provides education on 
• Food allergies and medication allergies and allergy diagnostic tests
• Nasal Steroids for Perennial Allergic Rhinitis
• The immunologic etiology of diseases commonly seen in primary care such as atopic dermatitis and asthma

Start earning free allergy & immunology CME/CE credits with one of the courses above or browse our extensive library of courses for more topics.